LINK-UP Program
The Linking Language with Middle and Upper Primary School Learning (LINK-UP) Program is a professionally collaborative approach to supporting middle and upper primary school students with language difficulty by creating ‘language-friendly’ classrooms.
In following this program, Speech-Language Pathologists can coach teachers in ways to modify the oral and written instructional language used in their regular classroom teaching practices.
LINK-UP is an adaptation of the Linking Language with Secondary School Learning (LINK-S) Program, an evidence-based approach to supporting secondary school students with language difficulty.
For Sample pages in the LINK-UP Manual click here
LINK-S Program
The Linking Language with Secondary School Learning (LINK-S) Program is an evidence-based professionally collaborative approach to supporting secondary school students with language difficulties.
The approach aims to create ‘language-friendly’ secondary school classrooms, by coaching teachers in ways to modify the oral and written instructional language used in their regular classroom teaching practices.
Reference: Starling, J., Munro, N., Togher, L., & Arciuli, J. (2012). Training secondary school teachers in instructional language modification techniques to support adolscents with language impairment: A randomised controlled trial. Language, Speech and Hearing Services in Schools, 43, 474-495.
View Abstract click here
For a summary of the contents of the LINK-S Manual and Sample Pages click here.
Developmental Language Disorder (DLD) in older children and adolescents.
A Booklet
This short booklet has been written for parents, teachers, professionals and the general community in order to raise awareness about the nature and impact of Developmental Language Disorder (DLD) in older children and adolescents. The content covers the many different aspects of oral and written language that are often significantly problematic for these young people, as well as providing a great many ways in which we can all give practical support.
The Booklet can be downloaded for free Download.
Sample pages from the DLD Booklet click here
The Booklet can be downloaded for free in French (Le trouble développmental du language chez les enfants plus vieux et les adolescents) Download
Donations to the Learning Difficulties Coalition of NSW Inc.
This booklet is provided as a free resource. It has also been created as a fundraiser for the Learning Difficulties Coalition of NSW Inc (LDC) a not-for-profit organisation that supports and advocates for children and adolescents with learning difficulties, including language disorders. If you would like to make a donation please follow the DONATION link in the left-hand column on
ORDERS: If you have any questions about placing an order for the MANUALS please email
PLEASE NOTE: FOR ORDERS OF 12 or MORE copies of the MANUALS and for OVERSEAS ORDERS of more than THREE copies please email for shipping details.
About the Author
Julia Starling PhD is a Sydney-based speech-language pathologist who has extensive experience developing and implementing interventions for supporting young people with Developmental Language Disorder/Language Disorder. Julia maintains a private caseload of mainly upper primary and secondary students, is implementing the LINK-S Program in schools across Australia, regularly lectures and presents seminars and workshops, and has an active involvement in research projects. Additionally Julia is currently President of the Learning Difficulties Coalition of NSW.